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Matches between teams
Half time result0 0
(18') Comachi Martin Nicolas
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Playoff 2023/2024 2024-09-28
Half time result2 0
(36') Olivera Marcelo
(44') Olivera Marcelo
Arce Nicolas (57')
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Playoff 2023/2024
Summary match factsAll team matches 2Gutierrez Sc wins 0Independiente de Chivilcoy wins 1Draw matches 1
Last 10 team matches
2024-10-05 Gutierrez Sc 0 0 Independiente de Chivilcoy +
Half time result0 0
(18') Comachi Martin Nicolas
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Playoff 2023/2024 2024-09-28 Independiente de Chivilcoy 2 1 Gutierrez Sc +
Half time result2 0
(36') Olivera Marcelo
(44') Olivera Marcelo
Arce Nicolas (57')
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Playoff 2023/2024 2024-09-14 Germinal 2 1 Gutierrez Sc +
Half time result1 1
(1') Motroni Juan
Hernandez Tenca (36')
(87') Satler Tomas
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Zona A 2023/2024 2024-09-08 Gutierrez Sc 1 1 Olimpo Bahia Blanca +
Half time result0 0
Di Buo Ivo (55')
Ramirez Diego (80')
(86') Comachi Martin Nicolas
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Zona A 2023/2024 2024-09-01 Santamarina 4 0 Gutierrez Sc +
Half time result2 0
(5') Vega Facundo De La
(40') Dezi Luis
(52') Fernandez Marcos Gabriel
(61') Vega Facundo De La
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Zona A 2023/2024 2024-08-17 Gutierrez Sc 2 2 Ciudad de Bolivar +
Half time result0 2
Yeri Nahuel (2')
Urquijo Gonzalo (27')
(52') Arce Nicolas
Unknown (58')
(58') Unknown
(83') Vera Jesus
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Zona A 2023/2024 2024-08-10 Kimberley 1 1 Gutierrez Sc +
Half time result0 1
Lopez Santiago (16')
(59') Pereyra Axel
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Zona A 2023/2024 2024-08-03 Gutierrez Sc 1 1 Villa Mitre +
Half time result0 0
Jeldres Sebastian (50')
(53') Tejada Enzo
(72') Lopez Santiago
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Zona A 2023/2024 2024-07-28 Atletico Camioneros 0 0 Gutierrez Sc +
Half time result0 0
no action competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Zona A 2023/2024 2024-07-20 Gutierrez Sc 2 1 Argentino Monte Maiz +
Half time result1 0
(42') Arce Nicolas
(54') Saccone Franco
Lentini Ramon (90')
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Zona A 2023/2024 Team form
2024-10-18 Ciudad de Bolivar 1 0 Independiente de Chivilcoy +
Half time result0 0
(89') Pucheta Martin Ariel
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Playoff 2023/2024 2024-10-13 Independiente de Chivilcoy 1 0 Ciudad de Bolivar +
Half time result1 0
(3') Olivera Marcelo
(88') Tumbesi Facundo
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Playoff 2023/2024 2024-10-05 Gutierrez Sc 0 0 Independiente de Chivilcoy +
Half time result0 0
(18') Comachi Martin Nicolas
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Playoff 2023/2024 2024-09-28 Independiente de Chivilcoy 2 1 Gutierrez Sc +
Half time result2 0
(36') Olivera Marcelo
(44') Olivera Marcelo
Arce Nicolas (57')
competition: Argentina - Federal A Promotion Playoff 2023/2024 2024-09-15 Atletico Sarmiento 1 1 Independiente de Chivilcoy +
Half time result1 0
(40') Gonzalez Gonzalo
Trejo Rodrigo (90')
competition: Argentina - Federal A Relegation Zona B 2023/2024 2024-09-08 Independiente de Chivilcoy 3 2 Gimnasia Uruguay +
Half time result1 1
(26') Rodriguez Tomas
Baltore Damian (44')
(56') Romero Walter
(68') Romero Walter
Lopez Leonel (89')
competition: Argentina - Federal A Relegation Zona B 2023/2024 2024-09-01 Douglas Haig 4 3 Independiente de Chivilcoy +
Half time result2 1
(22') Gonzalez Fabricio
Romero Walter (24')
(26') Petino Joaquin
(40') Meza Brian
(56') Gallo Augusto
Olivera Marcelo (59')
(84') Pezzi Agustin
Olivera Marcelo (88')
competition: Argentina - Federal A Relegation Zona B 2023/2024 2024-08-24 Independiente de Chivilcoy 4 0 Boca Unidos +
Half time result0 0
(62') Zarza Juan
(66') Olivera Marcelo
(81') Olivera Marcelo
(89') Taborda Cristian Daniel
competition: Argentina - Federal A Relegation Zona B 2023/2024 2024-08-18 El Linqueno 0 0 Independiente de Chivilcoy +
Half time result0 0
no action competition: Argentina - Federal A Relegation Zona B 2023/2024 2024-08-11 Independiente de Chivilcoy 1 1 Defensores de Pronunciamento +
Half time result0 0
Sanchez Damian (49')
(77') Martinez Kevin
competition: Argentina - Federal A Relegation Zona B 2023/2024 Team form
Statistics facts of last 10 matches
Number of Gutierrez Sc wins
Number of Gutierrez Sc draws
Number of Gutierrez Sc loses
Average scored goals per match
Average conceded goals per match
Chance to score goal next match
70 %
Chance to conceded goal next match
80 %
Number of clean sheet matches
Failure to score matches
Matches over 2.5 goals in
Matches under 2.5 goals in
Time without scored goal
123 min.
Time without conceded goal
136 min.
Number of Independiente de Chivilcoy wins
Number of Independiente de Chivilcoy draws
Number of Independiente de Chivilcoy loses
Average scored goals per match
Average conceded goals per match
Chance to score goal next match
70 %
Chance to conceded goal next match
60 %
Number of clean sheet matches
Failure to score matches
Matches over 2.5 goals in
Matches under 2.5 goals in
Time without scored goal
177 min.
Time without conceded goal
1 min.
Bet statistics